Monday was a “Rain Day.” Tuesday working in snow.

In the winter months weather will seriously impact work on any construction site. And though of course it is still technically fall, we are obviously having a touch of winter weather this week. At this stage of the work, heavy rain is more of an issue than light snow. As Monday was an off day for the shoring and drilling crew but today, Tuesday, December 1, was a work day through till the early afternoon. 

We expect work to resume again on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Friday is also likely though the forecast is mixed. If there is any chance of work on Saturday to make up for the missed day on Monday, we will post an update here. 


  • Drilling work continued this past week and will continue through next week.
  • Material removal remains an ongoing activity.
  • We expect that drilling will continue into and through the month of December. 
  • There will be some level of noise and dust created during this process but every step will be taken to mitigate this.
  • Hours of work will conform to City of Toronto standards – Monday to Friday 7 am to no later than 7 pm. Saturdays, if needed, from 9 am to no later than 7 pm.
  • If Saturday work is required we will post that on the website. 
  • Shoring monitoring systems have been put in place to monitor vibrations and ensure that construction noise remains within levels that conform to City of Toronto By-Laws.
  • Noise levels from construction are governed by the standard City of Toronto by-laws and work hours (see above) and are not related to vibration levels. 

REMINDER: Access to the site:

There will be access to the site from the Lombard Street gate. 

There will also be a gate on Church Street that will come into use later this month. 

Trucks are expected to use Church Street to access the site and depart from the site, whether they use the already in use gate on Lombard Street or the future gate on Church Street. 
