There are unavoidable noise levels during this phase of work at the Saint.
We have investigated some recent concerns regarding increased noise levels this week. While drilling for the steel shoring piles, the drill rig will hit bedrock, as it should, and has sometimes created a short-term grinding whine. It is annoying but it is also unavoidable. Every effort is made to make the work as quiet and quick as possible while meeting technical and safety standards.
We also note that there is a significant amount of ambient construction from nearby sites. including the demolition of the Grand Hotel on Jarvis Street. While seemingly far away, the Grand Hotel project is a source of significant though also unavoidable noise during construction hours.
Drilling and pile driving work will continue through December.
Material removal remains an ongoing activity.
There will be some level of noise and dust created during this process but every step will be taken to mitigate this.
Hours of work will conform to City of Toronto standards – Monday to Friday 7 am to no later than 7 pm. Saturdays, if needed, from 9 am to no later than 7 pm.
If Saturday work is required we will post that on the website.
Shoring monitoring systems have been put in place to monitor vibrations.
Noise levels from construction are governed by the standard City of Toronto by-laws and work hours (see above) and are not related to vibration levels.
![The Saint December 1 - 3 pm](