Rebar work on site this Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday, November 27:
- There will be crews on site placing steel rebar in preparation for the next set of major concrete work.
Look Ahead for the week of November 29:
- Next week will see the completion of the P2 vertical columns rising from the completed P2 slab floor.
- The construction team is set to begin pouring the P1 concrete slab floor this coming week.
- The delivery and reinstallation of the Jersey Barriers on Lombard Street is expected to occur on Monday, November 29.
- Site Servicing Work: Toronto Hydro has been delayed connecting the site to the municipal power supply. The construction management team is still waiting for Toronto Hydro to confirm the date this work will get underway.
- Concrete deliveries will continue daily.
- Further work on the overhead protection and hoardings on Lombard Street are on hold until the completion of the municipal site servicing work.

Concrete Work & Crane Lights
After every slab concrete pour, the concrete that has been poured has to be ‘finished’. This concrete finishing process is essential to the process of creating concrete floors. By necessity concrete finishing may continue into the evening, past 7 pm as may be requried. Especially at this time of year, this means adequate lighting has to be provided to ensure the work can conducted safely. The crane lights that shine down on the site will be left on until any required concrete finishing is completed.