Morning rebar deliveries set for the week of February 7, as ground floor work progresses.
Next week at the Saint, February 7 – 11.
- There will be morning deliveries of steel rebar on Monday, February 7, Wednesday, February 9, and Friday, February 11 starting at 7 am.
- Given the tight site conditions, the rebar delivery trucks will have to unload on Lombard Street outside the fence line. Additional traffic control staff will be in place on Monday to help with traffic and pedestrian flows. Pedestrians will have to use the south sidewalk during the rebar unloading.
- Paid Duty Police Officers have been requested for Wednesday and Friday.
- The ground floor slab is significantly thicker than a standard concrete floor, as it is a key transfer–weight-bearing–floor. This requires significantly more rebar and a longer forming and pouring process than a standard floor.
- Concrete deliveries may also be affected as rebar is unloaded, I.E. until the area within the site has been cleared of the rebar delivery.
Looking Ahead:
- The ground floor work will continue over the coming weeks.
- We expect morning rebar deliveries the week of February, 14 and the week of February, 21. We will provide more information in our next udpate.
- Minto’s construction management team is actively engaged with Toronto Hydro and Enbridge attempting to confirm when they willl complete their required site servicing work. Once the timeline for this work is confirmed, a timeline for removing the generator and installing the Lombard Street hoardings and overhead protection will be provided.
- Once the on-site generator is removed there will be more room to accomodate material deliveries on-site.