Concrete work and rebar work continue at the Saint.

Outlook for the week of May 2, 2022
Work will remain focussed on forming and pouring vertical walls and columns this week. Once the verticals are completed work will begin on forming, installing stell rebar and then pouring the next slab floors.
Steel and concrete deliveries:
As in in the past two weeks, we expect steel (rebar) and concrete deliveries continue to occur within the site perimeter, accessing the site through the gate that is now up on Lombard Street.
Notes from the Construction Liaison Meeting Thursday, April 28
We had representatives of several neighbouring buildings in attendance at yesterday’s Construction Liaison Meeting.
It was noted that some of the hoardings on Church Street had been tagged by graffiti. This will be addressed when the hoardings are wrapped with designed coverings that will display images and resist graffiti. As well, the design plan for the hoarding’s covering will be shared prior to its installation.
Now that the servicing work by Enbridge has been completed and signed off, finalizing the hoardings, including the wrapping of the hoardings, can move ahead. Once we have confirmed dates for the installation of the ‘wrapping’ that will be used it will be shared.
As part of the build out of the hoardings and overhead protection, a second access gate will be added to Lombard Street. Once this is in place, concrete trucks will travel westbound on Lombard, enter the site from the western gate, then depart through the eastern gate (the one currently installed) and travel away from the site via Church Street. Any large flatbed trucks making deliveries, such as steel (rebar) will back into the site from Church Street via the eastern gate and then pull away from the site onto Church Street.