Steel rebar arrives this week for the 7th floor. 

    Construction Update:

    • With the Level 6 concrete slab floor substantially completed, work on vertical columns and walls will be the focus of the balance of the week.
    • Steel rebar deliveries are planned for this week, including Thursday, November 17. This is steel rebar that will be used to reinforce Level 7. 
    • Depending on weather conditions and supply deliveries we expect that crews will complete the necessary tasks for next week’s work on the Level & concrete slab floor. 
    • Work is not expected to go past 7 pm for the balance of the week, but we do expect work to continue past the effective 5 pm sunset. 
    • There will be traffic staff and a paid duty Police Officer on site as required, to assist with traffic management. 

    This Saturday – November 19:

    • While we do not have specific task details, we expect there will be a crew on site this coming Saturday. As usual we expect they will be doing a variety of tasks prepping for the week of November 21st. This can include general clean-up and housekeeping tasks as well as breaking apart forming around poured and set columns and walls. 


    REMINDER – Construction Liaison Meeting November 24:

    • The next Construction Liaison Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 24, at 3 pm via ZOOM.
    • If you would like a link to the meeting please email us at

    NOTE: With winter weather already here, we can expect construction delays and changes to scheduled activities. We will endeavor to keep you up to date on any such changes, especially any that have a significant impact on the neighbourhood.